Forum SUGD-2018

More than 40 memorandums, agreements and contracts with representatives of Russian and regional trade networks for fruit and vegetable products were signed within the framework of the III Regional Forum of Contracts “in Guliston.

More than 250 entrepreneurs and fruit and vegetable producers from Sughd and Khatlon regions, RRP, GBAO and potential buyers-entrepreneurs from Russia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan took part in the two-day forum.

OOO “Tractor” also took part in the forum and introduced its products to new partners.

“We came to find common interests, and to date I can say that we have already found companies that are interested in our products – mini tractors and attachments to them – plows, mowers, seeders,” said Leonid Geladiy, representative of the factory of mini tractors “Uralets” , Chelyabinsk region – Today we have signed supply contracts with several local partners.Today, Tajik farmers will grow their fruit and vegetable products on our tractors, and these products will in turn be supplied to Ross th. The only problem in logistics, you are far away, but maybe we’ll find low-cost carriers. A cautious forecast we will deliver 100 cars by the end of the year. “

The development partners – UNDP, representatives of the European Union in Tajikistan, OXFAM, USAID / DAI, GIZ, EBRD and others took part in the forum.

The III Regional Forum of Contracts “Sughd-2018” is held for the third consecutive year on the initiative of the Sughd Oblast Executive Authority in conjunction with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, with the support of UNDP’s “Trade Facilitation” project in Tajikistan, funded by the Government of Finland and other development partners.

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